
Aansluitprogramma's voor het hoger onderwijs

James Boswell Course | VWO Exam Physics


The VWO Physics exam covers the entire Dutch VWO Physics programme. The James Boswell exam will test the topic G1 (biophysics) from the list of required optional topics.

For more information, consult the translation of the programme.



You will have to identify yourself during the exam. A photo ID is required: Passport, EU-Identity card, or EU-driving licence.


James Boswell Examens are held on various locations in Utrecht. You can find the specific location below. General information on the location and addresses can be found at the general exam page under the examlocations heading. If the location is to be announced, it will published on this page on a later date.

Summer Course

It is possible to take a preparatory course during the James Boswell Summerprogramme.

End of registration period

Register on time, there are no exceptions!

You can register up to five work days before the examdate.

Note: This means your registration and payment should be processed by the website at the end (23:59h CET) of the 6th work day before the exam date. Bear in mind the official Dutch Public Holidays.

Your registration was successful if you've received a registration e-mail with your registration number.

This event has not yet been scheduled
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